Restraining Orders

Get the Support you Need

Alexis considers Restraining Orders on a case-by-case basis. You must be able to provide compelling evidence that a Restraining Order is warranted, either through documents (such as photos, videos, text messages, and emails) or through credible testimony (storytelling). Alexis charges their regular hourly rate.

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

This type of restraining order is for people experiencing threats, violence, harassment, or abuse by a partner, ex-partner, or close family member.

Domestic violence is often terrifying, because the abuser is usually someone you have strong feelings of love or respect for. Alexis can promise to always be on your side and guide you through this stressful legal process.

Elder Abuse Restraining Orders

This type of restraining order protects people ages 65 and older and dependent adults. In addition to threats, harassment, abuse, and violence, these also protect people from financial abuse, and caregiver neglect, deprivation, and isolation.

Protecting our elders is paramount. If you or someone you love is being abused, please email Alexis today or call or text at (415) 921-9300.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

This type of restraining order is a “catch-all” and can be obtained against anyone who is abusing, harassing, threatening, or committing violence against you. These can be obtained against neighbors, “friends,” more distant family members, and even strangers.

If your Civil Harassment Restraining Order is unsuccessful, under California law, you can be required to pay the other party’s legal fees and costs. It can make a big difference to have an attorney on your side.

Gun Violence Restraining Orders

The final type of restraining order in California is specifically designed to prevent people from accessing or owning guns and firearms. This can be especially important in preventing someone from committing suicide or injuring another person.

These are available to close family members, roommates, employers and employees in work settings, and teachers and school staff of the person sought to be restrained.

Workplace Violence Restraining Orders

This type of restraining order is specially designed for use by employers and covers similar types of conduct as other types of restraining order.

These are often obtained by employers to protect their employees from customers, clients, former employees, or people known to employees. Most companies are required by law to have legal representation in order to obtain a Workplace Violence Restraining Order.