Pricing Overview

Alexis strives to provide legal and professional services with completely transparent costs. When Alexis looks for professional services, they look for two things: pricing and personal background. Legal services shouldn’t be any different! Alexis makes their services intentionally affordable and wants all their clients to feel comfortable that they know where their hard-earned money is going!

Alexis’s standard hourly rate for legal and non-legal work is $500.00 per hour. However, this rate is negotiable, especially for lower-income people and nonprofit organizations. Hourly agreements will only be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Some services, including estate plans and business registrations, are offered for a flat fee. Flat fees listed on this website will be honored. When you pay a flat fee, it must be paid in full, prior to Alexis beginning any legal work. Flat fees may be paid by credit card, Venmo, personal check, money order, or cashier’s check.

Initial consultations are always free!

Alexis does not agree to perform any work on behalf of clients until two conditions are met: 1) a legal services agreement is signed by both Alexis and the client; and 2) the initial payment is received (or entire payment, if flat fee).

Please do not send any money until a legal services agreement is signed. All hourly work is done honestly and transparently; you pay only for time actually spent working on your case, rounded to the next minute.