Legislation, Public Records, & Civic Engagement

As an activist, volunteer, and attorney, one of Alexis’s passions is civic engagement and helping other people engage with their government! On an hourly contract basis, and sometimes pro bono, Alexis is able and willing to help with a variety of civic engagement activities.

Drafting Legislation

All attorneys interpret laws, but most attorneys have never actually drafted a law. If you or your group have a great idea that should be a law on the books on the federal, state, or local level, Alexis can help you draft and craft the legislation and identify next steps and lawmakers who would be supportive.

Important note: progressive ideas only. Alexis is an unabashed and unashamed progressive who will provide support only to legislative ideas they agree with!

Public Records Requests

Access to public records is a keystone to trust in our government. Public records access laws exist at different levels of government under different names, but they all boil down to a right to access public information. Drafting requests under these laws can be challenging and confusing, and without guidance you may get no or few documents responsive to your request.

Alexis can help draft requests under the following laws:

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - Covers all Federal governmental agencies

California Public Records Act (CPRA) - Covers all state governmental agencies and most local and regional governmental agencies

Sunshine Ordinances - Nine municipalities in California have implemented laws providing greater access than the CPRA. Those municipalities are: the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Vallejo, Benicia, Milpitas, Gilroy, and Riverside, and Contra Costa County

Alexis will consider litigation to compel further responses to public records requests on a case-by-case basis.

Records Search Assistance

While not legal in nature, finding specific records can be a headache. Whether you are looking for a property deed, a plat map, vital records, court records, or anything else, Alexis may be able to help you track down a record, or at least guide you in the right direction.

Please note that Alexis is not a private investigator, but they can refer you to one!

Organizing & Neighborhood Services

Alexis is proud to have served as President of the Eureka Valley Neighborhood Association from 2020-2023 and thinks being involved on the neighborhood level is key to ensuring equity and civic engagement.

Alexis also has experience organizing for change. They want to hear your vision for a better community! Please do not hesitate to book an appointment using the button below just to share your ideas or discuss a thought you’ve been having.

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